Jenny Rose Carey, Ambler's Arboretum Director is giving a talk on French gardens on Sunday, January 30, 2011 at 2 p.m in the Learning Center Auditorium. Jenny teaches at the Barnes, it should be an interesting lecture
The event is free and open to the public. Anyone interested should contact Judy Shatz:-
[email protected] or 267-468-8000. RSVP’s are suggested, but not required.
Click here to see direction or a campus map. Limited parking is available in the Learning Center Parking Lot located off of the Loop Road and the Visitor’s Parking Lot located off of Meetinghouse Road.
The event is free and open to the public. Anyone interested should contact Judy Shatz:-
[email protected] or 267-468-8000. RSVP’s are suggested, but not required.
Click here to see direction or a campus map. Limited parking is available in the Learning Center Parking Lot located off of the Loop Road and the Visitor’s Parking Lot located off of Meetinghouse Road.