Abelia x grandiflora Glossy Abelia
Aronia arbutifilia Red Chokeberry
Aronia melanocarpa Black Chokeberry
Chaenomeles speciosa Common flowering quince
Franklinia altamaha Franklin Tree
Gleditsia triacanthos (f. inermis) Common Honey Locust
Gymnocladus dioicus Kentucky Coffeetree - According to Dirr:- "The leaves and seeds are poisonous to man, cattle. Roasting the seed may destroy its toxic principals. I mention this because in my youth I ate the sweetish gummy substance that lined the inside of the pod. Maybe that's what's wrong with me today."
Heptacodium miconiodes Seven-son flower
Koelreuteria bipinnata Goldenrain tree
Koelreuteria paniculata Panicled goldenraintree
Lespedeza thunbergii Thuynberg Lespedeza
Magnolia grandiflolia Southern Magnolia
Magnolia macrophylla bigleaf magnolia
Magnolia tripetala Umbrella Magnolia
Poncirus trifoliata Hardy-orange
Tetradium daniellii Korean tetradium, Bee tree (formerly Evodia danielli)
Zanthoxylum simulans Flatspine Prickly-ash
THE VIEW -- Liriodendron tulipifera, Cornus florida Tuliptree, Tulip Poplar, Yellow Poplar, Flowering Dogwood